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Why this program? | Local Australian Work Experience, IT degree, Career Coach

Why this program?

When you are starting out, getting the right work experience is far more important than getting that money. If you are a alucky individual who can get both the right work experience and money, you have hit the sweet spot. 

This program is for people who are just graduating or transitioning to a new career journey who are hoping to land their dream-job but are having no-luck after sending hundreds or job applications. 

Below we outline some important reasons why our program could the road to your dream job. 

Close contact with local stakeholders

Having close contact with stakeholders means you can talk the business talk and meet influential people. Having a local professional network can help you land many opportunities, such as being recommended or head hunted directly. 

Example business owners commonly refer each other business or recommend others, known as word-of-mouth. 

Amazing work folio pieces

Work folio pieces are critical when you can point to real life examples of a skill you claim you have. We provide you with challenging and important work that it is almost impossible for your recruiters not to invite you back for a further interview.

What Graduates Experience 

1) Normally most students apply for the most lucrative jobs that pay-well or have the best reputation such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Deloittes and other famous companies.

2) Top tier companies receive thousands of applications (from both graduates and experienced candidates) per job posting with a very competitive process. Graduates application goes to the “pile” or through a filtered process. 

3) Graduates could spend time anywhere from three to over six months waiting to land a job interview, which could be a series of stepped interviews. 

When the companies respond, they often require you to have:

  • Local experience with reputable references
  • Have the right visa and working conditions
  • Be Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Have security clearances
  • Have more qualifications
  • Etc, etc

The process above can take months and insome cases years, which does not help if you have limited time to achieve get the work experience they require and job interviews. 

Oh and dont forget: when you are in your “dream” job, you have to prove to them you are worth being sponsored. So you have to pass a trial period usually one year (after your initial probabtionary period).


What Our Program Offers

Work in Small Teams

We pair you into small groups where you are working in deep and broad tasks which are usually not offered in large organisations. Normally large companies get you to do process work, which does not broaden your skillset, severly limiting your career prospects.

Example is application support desk, which usually is helping people retrieve their passwords or navigate an application. 


Close contact with local stakeholders

Having close contact with stakeholders means you can talk the business talk and meet influential people. Having a local professional network can help you land many opportunities, such as being recommended or head hunted directly. 

Example business owners commonly refer each other business or recommend others, known as word-of-mouth. 

Amazing work folio pieces

Work folio pieces are critical when you can point to real life examples of a skill you claim you have. We provide you with challenging and important work that it is almost impossible for your recruiters not to invite you back for a further interview.

Fast Track Programs

Instead of wasting time sending hundreds of applications and hoping for an interview. Get started working on useful project pieces. When time is of the essence it is essential you use your time wisely. 

Fast Tracked Experience

Be folio and interview ready as fast as you want. We work on a self-paced program meaning that if you are in a hurry we can cater the program to suit your needs. 

Work in the Fastest Growing Industry!

You can see and read about how fast the Information technology and Communications (ITC) sector is growing. The pie is growing and you can be a aprt of it.

The future is bright, get started today.  

Experienced candidates get the best jobs > The best jobs sponsor you* 

*Research shows that candidates with experience are more succesfull than graduates with no work experience. We give you the work experience to land that amazing job. It is up to you to impress your employer that shows you are worth valauable to your employer and worth being sponsored. We do not guarantee you will be sponsored or get the 'best job' as each individual outcome is on a case-by-case basis. 



Melbourne office: St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004

Regional office: Gheringhap St, Geelong VIC 3220 



Phone Number